• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Student Mental Health a Priority

Student Mental Health a Priority

Student Mental Health a Priority 4973 3385 Ken Miller

The NCC Education Department has recently launched a student mental health initiative that aims to provide access to professional counseling services within the NCC school community. Albert Miller, Education Superintendent, expressed, “We are very excited that we will be able to offer a mental health component to the students in our school system.

The focus of this initiative is to provide students with access to a certified counselor at no cost who can offer proactive support. This will positively impact the well-being of at-risk students, creating a healthier learning environment.

The initiative has several key features, including the identification of students who may benefit from counseling. Teachers and principals will play a vital role in this process, ensuring that students in need are recognized and supported. Parental involvement is also integral to the program. Once a student is identified, parents will be engaged to discuss and approve the commencement of counseling.

The counseling program involves a structured 10-week course of treatment, with each student participating in weekly counseling sessions lasting 30 to 45 minutes. These sessions will be a combination of in-person meetings and video conferencing, providing flexibility and accessibility. The program is designed to cater to 25-30 weekly clients, ensuring quality support for many students.

Miller concluded, “I believe that the ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥ California Conference is the second conference in the NAD to offer this service. I am excited because this program will greatly benefit our students and parents and contribute to the overall mission of our schools.â€

Featured in ÃÛÌÒÖ±²¥ Lights, April 18, 2024
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